How to set the OG and DCTERMS meta tags in TYPO3

In case you are using the TYPO3 extension: bootstrap_package then set:

page.meta.og:title.field = subtitle // title

This would set the < meta property=”og:title” … > value to the page field value of subtitle is available else it would use the page title field value. By default it is set to use the title column only. You can use the susbtitle column to set better SEO optimized page title in TYPO3.


In case you are using the TYPO3 extension: metaseo then set:

plugin.metaseo.metaTags.opengraph.title.field = tx_metaseo_pagetitle // title
plugin.metaseo.metaTags.conf.title_page.field = tx_metaseo_pagetitle // title

This would set the DCTERMS.title and OG:title meta tags in TYPO3

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